Seasonal Products
Think Spring! In the Spring, Beall's Nursery has all of the plants and materials for any landscape project of any size. These are some of the popular items you will see throughout the seasons at Beall's.
Open March 1st
March is a great time to start planning for your spring and summer projects. For the DIYers, check out Beall's "We Plan, You Plant". This early in the season we don't have our full inventory but are continually adding to our stock. Additionally, our greenhouses will be loaded with Easter flowers. And don't forget that March is a great time to repair your driveways after the winter – we have supplies for that, too!
April, May
The spring and early summer season is when most gardeners work on their yard – and this is really when we come in handy. We supply and deliver many different mulches and materials needed for your spring clean-ups. During April, there are truckloads of plants arriving weekly!
In the beginning of May is when you will start to see our greenhouses full of flowers, herbs, and vegetables. We recommend that you start planting your annuals after Mother's Day. The month of May is a great time to add any new plants in your yard.
Stop by and look at all of the colors of spring at our greenhouse and nursery!
June, July, August
Summer is the ideal time to install patios, walkways or retaining walls. Stop by the nursery to see our impressive Versa-Lok and Uni-Lock displays. Beall's team will provide design and installation tips to help make your project come to life. The summer months are when perennials are in full bloom, so keep flowers on the mind, as summer is a good time to continue planting.
Tip: The plants installed in the spring are not completely established and require continual watering.
Think fall, think planting. September is a great time to plant trees, shrubs, and perennials, as this time of year requires less watering. Fall is the best time of year to repair your yard, and Beall's has all of the supplies needed to renovate or install a new lawn.
October, November
Fall decorations galore! Our nursery boasts thousands of pumpkins of all sizes – and don't forget our straw bales, gourds, fall mums and corn stalks. It's also "protect from deer" time, so remember to cover those plants that the deer love to eat in the winter. We supply liquid fence deer repellent and deer netting.
Beall's nursery has one of the largest selections of fresh-cut Christmas trees, poinsettias, and custom decorated wreathes in the Pittsburgh area. We display our trees with the Stand Strait® system, which allows you to see your tree opened and with the branches out in place. We stock over 3,000 cut trees from 3' to 14' to choose from.